Saturday, August 21, 2010

Is there anything which can accelerate weight loss when on a calorie controlled diet?

ExerciseIs there anything which can accelerate weight loss when on a calorie controlled diet?
The less salt you intake the less water your body will retain. Most people get several times as much salt per day as their body needs but your body stores it in case of emergency.

Eating several meals a day, up to 6, can make your body feel that it's in paradise and that there's no need to store fat. That's why starvation diets are so faulty, your body shuts down and begins to store fat since it's response to lack of nutrition is to prepare for even worse.

Exercise is very important, not just the calories you burn while exercising but muscle burns more calories than fat so you get a double benefit. Weight training is the most efficient way to build more muscle but it may not be part of your program. Dance, yoga, aerobics, treadmills are all good substitutes. The more muscle you have the more calories you'll burn even when you sit still or are sleeping.

Eat as many greens as you want since they're low calorie and filling. Fruit is okay but limit fruit juice if it's sweetened. Drink lots of water, you don't need 8 glasses a day but when you diet you can drink that much. Too much of anything is a bad idea, though, even water.

For protein you can hard boil eggs and just eat the whites, that's very low in calories for the protein you receive. Again, the less salt you consume the faster you'll lose weight, especially in the short term.

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