Friday, August 6, 2010

If have diabetic and it 's not on the control and if you are on the diet are you going to loss weight or not?

You MUST get your sugar under control. When your sugar is out of control you are doing damage to your internal organs. High glucose is very hard on the body period. And you will be prone to many feet problems, and will get infection very easily. It is much harder to lose weight when your sugar is out of control. Because you body will store everything it can that you take in.

Some can control their sugar by diet and exercise, others are forced to use oral medication, and Many have to give themselves injections. Whichever way you are using to try to control your blood sugar, combine it with good food choices and exercise. Its important to eat several SMALL meals.If have diabetic and it 's not on the control and if you are on the diet are you going to loss weight or not?
Um, it's possible a diabetic could lose weight if their blood sugars aren't under control, especially if they are not only following a good exchange list or glycemic diet (or the many variations in between this) and even more true if they are also exercising.

However my question would be, what does it matter if weight is lost if blood sugar levels remain out of control? There are soooo many complications that could end your life or seriously permanently disable you, before you ever lost the weight.

You might want to see a doc and see what options are available as far as meds, diet, exercise, and what your chances are (good, bad, or in between) if managing by diet alone.

Good luck! (:If have diabetic and it 's not on the control and if you are on the diet are you going to loss weight or not?
If you're not bothering to get your blood sugar under control, you'll certainly lose weight--as your corpse decays. Uncontrolled diabetics die young.

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